
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Youth Corp Police Cadets Exposed in Florida (video)

In the wake of reports that Explorer Scouts are being “trained in post-9/11 law enforcement methods“, a group of youngsters have been captured on video working in tandem with police in St. Petersburg, Florida, at a christmas fair.
We Are Change activists spotted the group roaming the streets during the parade, clearly wearing clothing adorned with police insignia.
When the group were asked what they were doing at the parade, the lead scout became extremely secretive about their association with the local police department and attempted to hide their badges and jackets.
The group described themselves as “very similar” to academy police, and told the activists that they were “looking for lost kids”.
“We are affiliated with them but we do not have the powers of police… we are a part of the department I guess.” the leader of the group told We Are Change, adding that they routinely ride along with officers on active duty. The young girl seemed to back track after continued questioning, later stating “it is a volunteer organisation, it has nothing to do with the police.”
However, the squad of 14-19 year olds stood to attention, military style, when a police officer arrived on the scene, with lowly “green shirts” ordered to take the back of the line.
“If we went into Martial law or a state of emergency, they’re here to protect everyone else.” one of the other members of the group said when asked why he wanted to be affiliated with the police.
When asked if they had heard of the Hitler Youth, the at-first voluntary but later mandatory youth corps brigade that succeeded the Boy Scout movement In Nazi Germany, the scouts replied that they had.
Police officers in St. Petersburg refused to answer questions regarding the squad of scouts.
Watch the video:


  1. this proves nothing, didn't you hear them? they are looking for lost children.

  2. hahaha. this is what Germany 1936-37 looked like.
    on the surface it may seem good but eventually it ends badly

    'proves nothing' lol this proves everything

  3. I am 69 years old. I was a Police Cadet in the early 1960's. Large police departments have had Police Cadet programs of various names for a very long time. The main objective is advertising. Police departments wanted to be seen as, Officer Friendly with teenagers and the best way is to have teenagers involved with them to see what police officers actually have to do. It is also a good recruiting tool and young men and women who think they might like to go into law enforcement can use the program to see all of the different law enforcement types of jobs. Maybe a person might want to work in the criminal justice system but not be an enforcement officer, so the cadet program gives them a chance to see the forensic side, the counselors who work with victims, the court system and all the many jobs there which need good honest qualified people to fill them. Being able to see the people in these jobs working on a daily basis may demonstrate what job they might like best or even if they are really cut out for them. It is also keeps the involved kids away from drugs and other illegal activities and it helped me when I joined the Army by making it quicker for me to qualify for an advanced security clearance when the investigators were not just interviewing my neighbors and teachers, but the Police Chief of a major Metropolitan Police force, the City Attorney and the Mayor. Advanced security clearances meant better jobs in the military. I retired from the US Military after 33 years service. Being a police cadet and before that, I was in the Junior Volunteer Rescue Squad. Both associations kept me busy with other focused students and kept me from drifting as some of my early friends did. And no, when I was in the Junior Volunteer Rescue Squad, no one taught me how to do medical experiments on concentration camp internees. I learned advanced first aid, restocked ambulances and washed and waxed ambulances. I also learned how to fight forest fires, sell Christmas Trees and march in community parades. I am sorry to disappoint anyone, but there was nothing sinister about anything being associated with these activities as a youth. I really wanted to join the Civil Air Patrol, but we were a poor family and the C.A.P. had expenses we could not bear.

    The best way I can sum up being a Police Cadet is it was like a whole bunch of Big Brothers and Sisters. I learned so much from them about life, being married, being a parent and the people who were arrested taught me many things, mostly that being drunk can lead to doing stupid things and getting arrested. The limits of the Constitution were taught I learned them to be sacrosanct. I don't think I could have witnessed anything illegal being done by an officer without reporting it. There were no sinister undertones of any kind. If I were 20 years old, you might want to call me brainwashed. You would have been mistaken to do that when I was 20 years old and just as incorrect to do it now.
