
Friday, June 4, 2010


Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference

Microsoft founder who bankrolls sterilization vaccine programs to give speech on global warming agenda and “the needs of the poorest”
Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference 040610top2
Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson
Friday, June 4, 2010
Microsoft founder Bill Gates will join fellow elitists for the first time at the 2010 Bilderberg conference currently taking place in Sitges Spain, after he apparently attempted to pull a bait and switch by pretending to attend another event before being forced to admit to journalists that he will give a speech at the globalist confab.

Gates let slip that he would make his debut at Bilderberg after being asked by journalists from 20 Minutos, a free Spanish newspaper which is published daily in numerous Spanish cities as well as others around the world.

According to the report, Gates told reporters, “I’m one of those who will be present,” adding that he will take part in a debate with fellow globalists on the subjects of “energy and the needs of the poorest,” as well as climate change, renewable energy and the economic crisis.
Indicating that he will also give a speech to the Bilderberg elitists, Gates said, “I hope not to bore.”
It appears as though Gates initially tried to throw reporters off the scent by claiming he was in Barcelona to attend a Global Health Institute conference which was then mysteriously “cancelled”.

The translation of the Spanish report can be read here.

Gates’ presence at the elite confab was also confirmed by the German news agency DPA.
The Spanish report also confirms that Spain’s Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero will attend the conference this afternoon, where he will be joined by Queen Beatrix of Holland, ECB Chairman Jean Claude Trichet as well as former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld has sporadically attended Bilderberg meetings in the past but he is not a regular visitor to the annual gatherings. For Gates, this is his first time at the conference although his wife Melinda is a regular attendee.
Both Gates and Rumsfeld’s presence at this year’s event indicates that some very important developments are set to unfold over the course of the next 12 months, particularly with regard to Iran as well as the global warming agenda, which has been on the ropes since the Climategate scandal and the failed Copenhagen summit in December.

Gates’ Bilderberg presentation will also likely include information about his eugenicist projects to lower global population figures.
During a recent TED conference, an organization which is sponsored by one of the largest toxic waste polluters on the planet, Gates told the audience that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures in order to solve global warming and lower CO2 emissions to almost zero.
Stating that the global population was heading towards 9 billion, Gates said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.”

Quite how an improvement in health care and vaccines that supposedly save lives would lead to a lowering in global population is an oxymoron, unless Gates is referring to vaccines that sterilize people, which is precisely the same method advocated in White House science advisor John P. Holdren’s 1977 textbook Ecoscience, which calls for a dictatorial “planetary regime” to enforce draconian measures of population reduction via all manner of oppressive techniques, including sterilization.
Gates’ eugenicist zeal is shared by his fellow Bilderberg elitists, many of whom have advocated draconian policies of population control in their own public speeches and writings. Indeed, the Rockefeller family funded eugenics research in Germany through the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich. The Rockefeller Foundation praised Hitler’s sterilization program in Nazi Germany. David Rockefeller attended the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and is now the head of Bilderberg’s “steering committee”.
A joint World Health Organization-Rockefeller inoculation program against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines in the early 1990’s was in fact a covert trial on using vaccines to medically abort women’s babies.
“Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and decided to test numerous vials of the vaccine and found them to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG,” writes historian F. William Engdahl in his article, Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population. “That was a curious component for a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds or other contact with certain bacteria found in soil. The tetanus disease was indeed, also rather rare. It was also curious because hCG was a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.”
Gates recently announced that he would be funding a sterilization program that would use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a man’s scrotum to render him infertile for six months. “The foundation has funded a new “sweat-triggered vaccine delivery” program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin. The technology is described as a way to “…develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines,” writes health researcher Mike Adams.
Gates is likely to be asked by other Bilderbergers how to get the global warming carbon tax agenda back on track after a drastic plummet in the credibility of climate change alarmists since the Climategate scandal broke.
Part of Bilderberg’s agenda to usher in a “post-industrial revolution” revolves around mandating western countries to adopt disastrous “green economy” initiatives, which as Spain has painfully experienced at first hand, cost over 2.2 jobs for every “green” job created.
The carbon tax agenda is also about enforcing a consumption tax which will drastically reduce living standards and leave people more concerned about feeding their families with little time to worry about Bilderberg’s undemocratic scheming, something the Bilderberg hierarchy are keen to oversee in an effort to squash the growing global awareness of Bilderberg and the new world order, because they view “people with income” as “a threat” to their plans for world government.
Watch Bill Gates’ comments on using vaccines to lower global population in the clip below.
Bilderberg 2010 News Feed
This is a master page with links to articles, videos, pictures and coverage of the secretive Bilderberg meeting, taking place over the 3-6 June 2010 in Sitges Spain.
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

Featured articles:

Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 040610bb4

Large Protests, Extensive Media Coverage Signifies Awakening To Bilderberg Agenda

Steve Watson
Friday, Jun 4th, 2010
Large protests and extensive media coverage of the 2010 Bilderberg meeting in Spain indicates that the world is finally waking up to the secretive agenda of the elite group.
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 040610top

Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda

Paul Joseph Watson
June 4, 2010
An astounding exchange between Bilderberg conference organizers overheard by a London Guardian journalist reveals that the elitists currently gathering at the Hotel Dolce Sitges in Spain see people with income as “a threat” to their agenda, highlighting the fact that the globalists are intent on eviscerating the middle class and lowering living standards.
Bilderberg 2010: Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse by Paul Joseph Watson
Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy by Paul Joseph Watson
Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year by Paul Joseph Watson
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

Featured videos:

Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

Charlie Skelton on Russia Today

Russia Today, June 4, 2010
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?

Russia Today, June 4, 2010
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

Global Covert Govt Inc.: Bilderberg gather forces near Barcelona

Russia Today, June 4, 2010
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

The Alex Jones Show - June 2nd With Charlie Skelton,
June 2, 2010
Alex talks with Charlie Skelton, author of the Guardian’s “Bilderberg Files.” Skelton covered the 2009 Bilderberg meeting in Greece and updates us on the latest Bilderberg meeting going on this year in Spain.
Part one:

Part two:

Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

NWO: ‘Bilderberg controls the world’ — Alex Jones

Russia Today
Jun 2, 2010
Alex talks to Russia Today about the fact that for decades, some of the world’s most powerful people have come together to form a secret society known as the Bilderberg group.

Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

On Site Coverage

Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg4

Bilderberg 2010: Video Of Protests
June 4, 2010
Large numbers of protesters have gathered outside Hotel Dolce in Sitges, Spain, where the annual meeting of Bilderberg Group is taking place.
Charlie Skelton at the Hotel Dolce Sitges, before the Bilderberg conference began

Charlie Skelton’s London Guardian Bilderberg Blog:

June 4: Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends
June 3: Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins
June 2: Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy With Palm Trees
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg space2

Mainstream Media Coverge:

Bilderberg’s Chatham House Rules have, in the past, obsecured the meetings from media scrutiny. In recent years, some press coverage has become more common. Here is a list of articles covering the 2010 meeting.
DPA, June 4, 2010 – Secretive Bilderberg Club brings decision-makers to talks in Spain
London Independent, June 4, 2010 – What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain?
London Times, June 3, 2010 - Secretive Bilderberg Club Ready for Protests
Bilderberg 2010: Master Page 030610Bilderberg3

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