
Monday, June 7, 2010


Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, June 7, 2010

Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government 070610top

As part of Bilderberg’s agenda to “Europeanize” America and turn it into a socialist welfare state wherein its citizens are completely dependent on the government, the elite are celebrating President Obama’s support for a UN small arms treaty, which many fear could be used to impinge on the right to keep and bear arms.

According to Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker, elitists were celebrating one of their scant victories at the annual meeting this year, namely the fact that President Obama has promised to support a United Nations small arms treaty that could represent an end run around the second amendment.

By encapsulating the gun grab within a treaty, the Obama administration could claim that no Senate approval is needed to authorize any such move against the right to bear arms – although whether a treaty trumps the Constitution is a very murky area of debate.

Congressman Paul Broun warns that, “With willing one-world accomplices in Washington, D.C., gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made.” Broun characterizes the U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty as “nothing more than a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.”

The treaty would force national governments to acquiesce to a global gun registry, while strengthening licensing procedures so as to make it almost impossible for a citizen to legally purchase a gun. It would also ban the private sale of semi-automatic weapons and ultimately lead to the confiscation and destruction of all “unauthorized” firearms owned by citizens.

American Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton echoes Broun’s warning, explaining that the treaty appears to be aimed at the international arms trade yet in reality, “the real agenda is domestic firearms control”.

“I think it was clear from the outset that the Obama administration would move in this direction. The only thing that’s surprising is that it’s taken this long,” said Bolton.

If the elite are to implement their stuttering “post-industrial revolution” with crippling austerity measures, consumption taxes, and mass unemployment with any success, then 100 million armed Americans are going to provide somewhat of a stumbling block. Bilderberg’s desire to see the middle class eviscerated and replaced with a servile, destitute and dependent population mandates that private gun ownership in the U.S. be outlawed just as it is in most European countries.

Cynics have claimed that the treaty will only apply to terrorists or those who force children to enlist as soldiers. However, since the federal government has repeatedly made clear that it considers gun owners, libertarians, tea party activists and basically anyone who is politically active as a likely domestic terrorist under the MIAC report and others, Americans would be remiss not to be concerned about the activities of an organization that symbolizes its agenda in the form of a huge anti-gun statue which it proudly displays in the middle of New York City.

Indeed, if the UN’s anti-gun statue was supposed to represent a symbol of peace as the organization claims, why does it depict not a weapon of war but a mere handgun? This is clearly the UN giving the middle finger to the Constitution and the second amendment, and any attempt by the globalists to act on this attitude should be a massive cause for alarm.

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