The answer to 1984... is 1776

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

HOW MANY PEOPLE TOOK GOT THE H1N1 SHOT VACCINE? Total percentage of population who were inoculated by the h1n1 vaccine

Swine flu vaccine stats – Exposed 'False Flag FLU'

Feb 10, 2010
Northwest Herald

USA bought 195 million doses of the vaccine – 1 in 5 took the shot – 4 out of 5 refused the shot. Out of a total population of 304 million. 60 million Americans were inoculated. 20%.
Canada bought 50.4 million doses of vaccine. 40% of the Canadian population were inoculated. The largest number in the world (comparatively). Roughly 12 million Canadians took the shot out of a total population of 33 million.
Australia bought 21 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine – 6.6 million of the population took the shot. Total population in Australia of 22 million. 30%.
Ireland bought 3.85 million doses of the vaccine – 1 in 6 were inoculated with the H1N1 vaccine – with a total population of 4.5 million, just under 700,000 were vaccinated. 14.4%
Britain bought 60 million doses of the H1N1 Vaccine – 4.25 million of the population took the shot out of a total population of 60 Million. 7%.
France bought 94 million doses of the H1N1 Vaccine–5 million people were inoculated in France,
with a total population of 64 million. 7.8%
Germany bought 50 million doses of the H1N1 Vaccine –roughly 4.5 million of the 82 million German populous were inoculated. 5 %.
China bought 100 million doses of the H1N1 Vaccine – as of December 11, 2009 – 32 million were inoculated. 3.2%
Netherlands bought 34 million doses of the H1N1 Vaccine – no data available yet as to how many doses were administered.
India bought 1.5 million doses of the H1N1 Vaccine – no data available yet as to how many doses were administered.H1N1 vaccines will start rolling out on Feb 19, 2010 – to the general public in India.
Poland refused to buy the H1N1 vaccine. (The only country to do so)

GSK made over 4 Billion Dollars in Profit from H1N1 Flu – and another 7 billion dollars projected earnings by 2011.


  1. 66% of the docile and gullible Swedish population took the shot.

  2. the northwest heraldApril 8, 2010 at 7:15 PM

    do you have a source for that number?

  3. In Brazil the situation has been critic and very under-reporter by independent media.

    Brazil bought 113 million vaccines, in a very non- transparent way, and vaccinated 72 million people:

    I have been registering all cases of adverse reactions in Brasil, and a lot of scandals related to the vaccine, which you might be interested:

    Quantity of vaccines:
    Number of people vaccinated:

  4. It's interesting how vaccination rates varied across different countries.
